A neighborhood developed around the Brunswick facility in the early part of the last century. Some of the houses you see around the facility were built by plant workers.

Hercules has partnered with the community over the years to make portions of its former industrial property available for reuse, where there is a need that can be filled:


• At the 009 Landfill, a remediated and capped waste repository near the interstate is now used by a local auto dealership to display new models.

• When Glynn-Brunswick Memorial Hospital needed to expand its parking lot, Hercules transferred eight acres in the northwest portion of the Brunswick facility to the hospital to provide more parking for healthcare workers, patients and families.

• Hercules worked with Rebuilding Together of Glynn County to convert a warehouse at the Brunswick facility into a workshop and storage facility. Rebuilding Together will use the warehouse to support its mission of building and refurbishing homes for local families in need.

• Hercules sold an approximately one-acre parcel to the neighboring Stripling’s General Store in 2021 for more parking and better access to the popular market. Hercules worked with EPD to ensure that the parcel could be safely removed from the facility’s hazardous waste permit and returned to productive reuse.

• Hercules is working with EPA and EPD to evaluate environmental conditions at its 45-acre property on the east side of Highway 17, with an eye to reuse.

• With the closure of the Pinova plant, Hercules and Pinova intend to work cooperatively with the local governments and communities to evaluate potential reuse opportunities associated with the larger former manufacturing plant parcels, while continuing to ensure protection of human health and the environment.