Moving toward COMPLETION
The Brunswick facility, formerly operated by Herculesformerly operated by Hercules (1920-2009) and Pinova (2010-2023), was an active resins manufacturing facility. From pine tree stumps harvested in the southeastern United States, it produced products used world-wide. It continues to be owned by Pinova, Inc.
Hercules has spent more than $70 million over the last 25 years on remediation at the Brunswick facility, the 009 Landfill, and the Terry Creek site stemming from historical industrial activities. This work is conducted under the oversight of two different government agencies: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Hercules also provided more than $250,000 in technical assistance grants to the Glynn Environmental Coalition as part of an EPA program to promote community participation in the environmental decision-making process at the Terry Creek and 009 Landfill sites.
Three sites, two agencies
Hercules has completed a successful remediation of the 009 Landfill working with EPA. Part of that property is now a staging area for a car dealership and another part is a certified wildlife habitat. Recently, Hercules voluntarily took steps to enhance the future protectiveness of the established monitored natural attenuation remedy by adding additional monitoring wells.
In 2022, Hercules expects to finalize its Corrective Action Plan for comprehensive remediation of the Brunswick facility that takes into account feedback received from EPD and the public during public review processes in 2021 and 2022. During the past two years, Hercules worked to remediate soil and groundwater and prevent vapor intrusion that will help pave the way for implementation of the Corrective Action Plan.
In 2021, Hercules completed the design of an interim remedy for the Terry Creek outfall ditch that was selected by EPA to eliminate any exposure to the remaining low levels of residual chemicals there. Construction of the remedy, which will involve rerouting the ditch slightly to the south, is expected to be completed in 2024.
Hercules in Brunswick
remediation work at the Brunswick sites
Hercules’ environmental remediation team has spent years working at the Brunswick sites. Below, Geosyntec Consultants install groundwater monitoring wells and collect soil samples near the Brunswick facility in 2020.